Brixham Archers UKRS Open Rose Tournament Brixham Archers UKRS Open Rose Tournament
Brixham Archers (BXA)
Churston Grammar School Field, Brixham, Devon, UK, from 26-05-2019 to 26-05-2019
Brixham Archers UKRS Open Rose Tournament
Participant List ordered by Target
Session 1
Country Name
1AYEOMAN Marcus649YELVERTON BCompound Gents- York
1BCOLLINS Matthew667BRIXHAM ACompound Gents- York
2AGATHERUM Jon645LACETOWN ACompound Gents- York
2BGLOVER Stephen660EXMOUTH ACompound Gents- York
2CBROOM Matt645LACETOWN ACompound Gents- York
3AWILDE Gary650PAIGNTON ARecurve Gents- York
3BAPLIN Anthony654REDRUTH ARecurve Gents- York
3CWILDE Glenn650PAIGNTON ARecurve Gents- York
4AMELROSE Alan667BRIXHAM ARecurve Gents- York
4BDARLING Ray667BRIXHAM ARecurve Gents- York
4CDAY Jon668B OF THE TORSRecurve Gents- York
4DNICHOLAS David2220JUNCTION ARecurve Gents- York
5ANEIL Seth654REDRUTH ALongbow Gents- York
5BSIMPSON Peter650PAIGNTON ALongbow Gents- York
5CCHOPPING Chris660EXMOUTH ALongbow Gents- York
5DBANCROFT Neil648TORQUAY C OF ALongbow Gents- York
6AHINGSTON Keith660EXMOUTH ALongbow Gents- York
6BHINGSTON Myra660EXMOUTH ALongbow Ladies - York
6CMOORE Bryan648TORQUAY C OF ALongbow Gents- York
6DYEATES Michael605B OF LYTCHETTLongbow Gents- York
7AWILLIAMS Scott660EXMOUTH ALongbow Gents- York
7CHEYDON Ken648TORQUAY C OF ALongbow Gents- York
7DCARDY Mark645LACETOWN ALongbow Gents- York
8ABOLT Angela648TORQUAY C OF ALongbow Ladies - Hereford
8BSTAPLETON Michaela650PAIGNTON ALongbow Ladies - Hereford
8CMARTYN Emma668B OF THE TORSLongbow Ladies - Hereford
9AGRASSIE Karen662EXETER C OF ABarebow Ladies - Hereford
9BCHAUDRY Saira662EXETER C OF ARecurve Ladies - Hereford
9CBARRETT Jane662EXETER C OF ALongbow Ladies - Hereford
9DTWIGG Sophie660EXMOUTH ALongbow Ladies - Hereford
10AROSS Janet999WELLINGTON BRecurve Ladies - Hereford
10BSWAIN William667BRIXHAM ARecurve Gents - Hereford
10CWILLIAMS Karen660EXMOUTH ARecurve Ladies - Hereford
10DNICHOLAS Lucy2220JUNCTION ARecurve Ladies - Hereford
11AHART Claire654REDRUTH ARecurve Ladies - Hereford
11BELSWORTHY Gina662EXETER C OF ARecurve Ladies - Hereford
11CCUSACK Shelagh2220JUNCTION ABarebow Ladies - Hereford
12ACARDY Ben645LACETOWN ACompound Junior Boy - Hereford
12BBROOM Wendy645LACETOWN ACompound Ladies - Hereford
12CHILL Sharon667BRIXHAM ACompound Ladies - Hereford
12DWIX Mollie645LACETOWN ACompound Ladies - Hereford
13ABROOKS Julie667BRIXHAM ACompound Ladies - National
13CBALLARD Jennifer668B OF THE TORSRecurve Ladies - National
13DLANGDON-WARD Nicola667BRIXHAM ACompound Ladies - National
14AHAYTER David668B OF THE TORSTraditional Recurve Gents - National
14BLLOYD Barry648TORQUAY C OF ALongbow Gents - National
14CBICKELL Paul668B OF THE TORSRecurve Gents - National
14DMONROE Keith650PAIGNTON ARecurve Gents - National
15ATUCKER Harry658KYRTON ARecurve Junior Boy - Bristol II
16ADARLOW Daniel667BRIXHAM ARecurve Gents - Bristol III
16BVEALE Garry667BRIXHAM ARecurve Gents - Bristol III
16CRICHARDS Sarah667BRIXHAM AAmerican Flat Bow Ladies - Bristol III
16DKNIGHT David667BRIXHAM ABarebow Gents - Bristol III
17CJEUFFROY Karine667BRIXHAM AAmerican Flat Bow Archer shooting Junior National
17DJOHNSON Andrew667BRIXHAM ABarebow Archer shooting Junior National
18COTTERY Hannah645LACETOWN ALongbow Junior Girl - Bristol III
18DMARTYN Sophie668B OF THE TORSBarebow Junior Girl - Bristol III
19AWELLS Oliver645LACETOWN ACompound Junior Boy - Bristol IV
19DWELLS Hannah645LACETOWN ARecurve Junior Girl - Bristol IV