60x Remote Shoot Stage 15
60x Remote Shoot Stage 15
60x.Belgium • ICE Smart Sports • Royal Belgian Archery (60XISOL15)
At Your Place or Club Live Online, 19 Jul 2020
60x Remote Shoot Stage 15
Show details
Class & Division Result List - Individual
Pos.AthleteCountry  Total10+XX
Recurve - 70m [After 72 Arrows (Session: 2) - After 72 Arrows (Session: 1)]
   Distance -Distance -Total10+XX
1BERGUIN PhilippeFRA - France298/ 1305/ 1603123
 FRA - France
 Distance -: 298, Distance -: 305
2BYFORD MikeGBR - Great Britain275/ 3299/ 257474
 GBR - Great Britain
 Distance -: 275, Distance -: 299
3PEERS TimGBR - Great Britain283/ 2280/ 356380
 GBR - Great Britain
 Distance -: 283, Distance -: 280
4LAUKELAND Terje MovikNOR - Norway273/ 4263/ 453640
 NOR - Norway
 Distance -: 273, Distance -: 263
Recurve - 60m [After 72 Arrows]
   Distance -Distance -Total10+XX
1DAGRAIN AlexandreBEL - Belgium302/ 1316/ 1618144
 BEL - Belgium
 Distance -: 302, Distance -: 316
2GROVESNOR DwayneBAR - Barbados299/ 2306/ 260572
 BAR - Barbados
 Distance -: 299, Distance -: 306
3DOHERTY JackGBR - Great Britain286/ 4286/ 357261
 GBR - Great Britain
 Distance -: 286, Distance -: 286
4SEKKELSTEN Jan RoarNOR - Norway286/ 3245/ 453182
 NOR - Norway
 Distance -: 286, Distance -: 245
Recurve - 30m [After 72 Arrows (Session: 3) - After 72 Arrows (Session: 2) - After 72 Arrows (Session: 1)]
   Distance -Distance -Total10+XX
1RAMÍREZ RODRÍGUEZ DiegoMEX - Mexico337/ 1339/ 16763113
 MEX - Mexico
 Distance -: 337, Distance -: 339
2ELBARKOUKI YassineMAR - Morocco321/ 2312/ 4633255
 MAR - Morocco
 Distance -: 321, Distance -: 312
3LYNCH MarkRSA - South Africa310/ 4313/ 3623161
 RSA - South Africa
 Distance -: 310, Distance -: 313
4AXEL SimonsBEL - Belgium307/ 5314/ 2621217
 BEL - Belgium
 Distance -: 307, Distance -: 314
5CARLA NOEMI Ramírez ManceboESP - Spain314/ 3303/ 7617165
 ESP - Spain
 Distance -: 314, Distance -: 303
6MAGRAS JudithBAR - Barbados298/ 7307/ 5605102
 BAR - Barbados
 Distance -: 298, Distance -: 307
7HOLDER R-JamesBAR - Barbados300/ 6304/ 6604156
 BAR - Barbados
 Distance -: 300, Distance -: 304
8STUYCK SilkeBEL - Belgium288/ 8291/ 8579141
 BEL - Belgium
 Distance -: 288, Distance -: 291
9SINGH RobertGUY - Guyana285/ 9288/ 9573115
 GUY - Guyana
 Distance -: 285, Distance -: 288
10BOECKX SonjaBEL - Belgium267/10274/1054193
 BEL - Belgium
 Distance -: 267, Distance -: 274
11MANNING PatrickBAR - Barbados212/11248/1146010
 BAR - Barbados
 Distance -: 212, Distance -: 248
Recurve - Scaled Target [After 72 Arrows]
   Distance -Distance -Total10+XX
1SAUREN YvoNED - Netherlands324/ 1331/ 16553515
 NED - Netherlands
 Distance -: 324, Distance -: 331
2VAN STADEN MichaelRSA - South Africa283/ 2272/ 255593
 RSA - South Africa
 Distance -: 283, Distance -: 272
Recurve - Para Athlete [After 72 Arrows]
   Distance -Distance -Total10+XX
1TANVEER AhmedPAK - Pakistan150/ 1170/ 132010
 PAK - Pakistan
 Distance -: 150, Distance -: 170
Compound - 50m [After 72 Arrows (Session: 2) - After 72 Arrows (Session: 1) - After 36 Arrows (Session: 3)]
   Distance -Distance -Total10+XX
1BENSCHJÖLD JacobSWE - Sweden351/ 1348/ 16995320
 SWE - Sweden
 Distance -: 351, Distance -: 348
2TENG WEI TengMAS - Malaysia338/ 2340/ 26783310
 MAS - Malaysia
 Distance -: 338, Distance -: 340
3HALL RobertGBR - Great Britain335/ 4333/ 36683910
 GBR - Great Britain
 Distance -: 335, Distance -: 333
4VAN MONTAGU PiotrBEL - Belgium336/ 3331/ 4667277
 BEL - Belgium
 Distance -: 336, Distance -: 331
5WATTIEZ AnthonyBEL - Belgium323/ 5324/ 5647198
 BEL - Belgium
 Distance -: 323, Distance -: 324
6CUNNINGHAM RoganIRL - Ireland308/ 6030884
 IRL - Ireland
 Distance -: 308, Distance -: 0
Compound - 30m [After 72 Arrows (Session: 1) - After 72 Arrows (Session: 2) - After 72 Arrows (Session: 3)]
   Distance -Distance -Total10+XX
1FRANCISCO Ramírez JiménezESP - Spain353/ 1356/ 17096228
 ESP - Spain
 Distance -: 353, Distance -: 356
2KRAMER GuntherRSA - South Africa353/ 2351/ 27045624
 RSA - South Africa
 Distance -: 353, Distance -: 351
3VIVIANA SOLANGE ManceboESP - Spain342/ 4349/ 36914617
 ESP - Spain
 Distance -: 342, Distance -: 349
4PHOENIX AnthonyBAR - Barbados340/ 6344/ 46843912
 BAR - Barbados
 Distance -: 340, Distance -: 344
5FRANCIS SherwinTTO - Trinidad and Tobago340/ 7337/ 56773517
 TTO - Trinidad and Tobago
 Distance -: 340, Distance -: 337
6IRVINE RussAUS - Australia343/ 3331/ 76743315
 AUS - Australia
 Distance -: 343, Distance -: 331
7GALL RogerBAR - Barbados342/ 5331/ 66733417
 BAR - Barbados
 Distance -: 342, Distance -: 331
8FERREIRA GerardTTO - Trinidad and Tobago331/ 8327/ 96582710
 TTO - Trinidad and Tobago
 Distance -: 331, Distance -: 327
9CAMPBELL ChrisUSA - USA317/11331/ 86482310
 Distance -: 317, Distance -: 331
10SOOKRAJ KitanaTTO - Trinidad and Tobago320/ 9311/11631179
 TTO - Trinidad and Tobago
 Distance -: 320, Distance -: 311
11ANNEL JohnBAR - Barbados306/13313/10619134
 BAR - Barbados
 Distance -: 306, Distance -: 313
12HUNTE GregoryBAR - Barbados318/10299/12617165
 BAR - Barbados
 Distance -: 318, Distance -: 299
13CADOGAN DereckBAR - Barbados315/12293/13608134
 BAR - Barbados
 Distance -: 315, Distance -: 293
Compound - 25m 3P [After 72 Arrows]
   Distance -Distance -Total10+XX
1SAKTHIVEL Nikhil RajIND - India310/ 1313/ 1623164
 IND - India
 Distance -: 310, Distance -: 313
Compound - Scaled Target [After 72 Arrows]
   Distance -Distance -Total10+XX
1IRVINE RussAUS - Australia316/ 1321/ 16372213
 AUS - Australia
 Distance -: 316, Distance -: 321
Compound - Para Athlete [After 72 Arrows]
   Distance -Distance -Total10+XX
1VAN DE WINCKEL StephanieBEL - Belgium171/ 1178/ 134932
 BEL - Belgium
 Distance -: 171, Distance -: 178
Barebow - 30m [After 72 Arrows]
   Distance -Distance -Total10+XX
1ABU AZZAM IlhamINA - Indonesia285/ 1263/ 154840
 INA - Indonesia
 Distance -: 285, Distance -: 263
Barebow - 50m [After 72 Arrows]
   Distance -Distance -Total10+XX
1STREET PerDEN - Denmark300/ 1301/ 1601101
 DEN - Denmark
 Distance -: 300, Distance -: 301
2MOINEAU ChristopheBEL - Belgium294/ 2285/ 257961
 BEL - Belgium
 Distance -: 294, Distance -: 285
3SKODJE CecilieNOR - Norway258/ 3259/ 351772
 NOR - Norway
 Distance -: 258, Distance -: 259
Barebow - Scaled Target [After 72 Arrows (Session: 1) - After 72 Arrows (Session: 2) - After 72 Arrows (Session: 3)]
   Distance -Distance -Total10+XX
1KRISTANTI LilikINA - Indonesia284/ 1301/ 1585130
 INA - Indonesia
 Distance -: 284, Distance -: 301
2COLIJN BartNED - Netherlands278/ 2288/ 2566116
 NED - Netherlands
 Distance -: 278, Distance -: 288
3PIETERS HardusRSA - South Africa274/ 3266/ 354073
 RSA - South Africa
 Distance -: 274, Distance -: 266
4GIBBS Neil BrianBAR - Barbados28/ 44/ 43200
 BAR - Barbados
 Distance -: 28, Distance -: 4
Barebow - Field Round [After 72 Arrows]
   Distance -Distance -Total10+XX
1GAUTHE ChristineFRA - France172/ 1161/ 133300
 FRA - France
 Distance -: 172, Distance -: 161
2HERRMANN FrançoisFRA - France75/ 292/ 216700
 FRA - France
 Distance -: 75, Distance -: 92
3ROBIN MichelFRA - France63/ 372/ 313500
 FRA - France
 Distance -: 63, Distance -: 72