60x Remote Shoot Stage 17
60x Remote Shoot Stage 17
60x.Belgium • ICE Smart Sports • Royal Belgian Archery (60XISOL17)
At Your Place or Club Live Remote, 2 Aug 2020
60x Remote Shoot Stage 17
Show details
Class & Division Result List - Individual
Pos.AthleteCountry  Total10+XX
Recurve - 70m [After 72 Arrows (Session: 2) - After 72 Arrows (Session: 1)]
1BYFORD MikeGBR - Great Britain271/ 3279/ 155051
 GBR - Great Britain
 Distance1: 271, Distance2: 279
2PEERS TimGBR - Great Britain276/ 1260/ 253670
 GBR - Great Britain
 Distance1: 276, Distance2: 260
3EYTORSDOTTIR Gudny GretaISL - Iceland272/ 2245/ 351782
 ISL - Iceland
 Distance1: 272, Distance2: 245
Recurve - 60m [After 72 Arrows (Session: 2) - After 72 Arrows (Session: 1)]
1DAGRAIN AlexandreBEL - Belgium313/ 1304/ 1617156
 BEL - Belgium
 Distance1: 313, Distance2: 304
2HILL Bryce LeeZIM - Zimbabwe290/ 3295/ 258581
 ZIM - Zimbabwe
 Distance1: 290, Distance2: 295
3KIVIMAA JariGER - Germany294/ 2286/ 3580103
 GER - Germany
 Distance1: 294, Distance2: 286
4DOHERTY JackGBR - Great Britain258/ 4247/ 450573
 GBR - Great Britain
 Distance1: 258, Distance2: 247
Recurve - 30m [After 72 Arrows (Session: 3) - After 72 Arrows (Session: 1) - After 72 Arrows (Session: 2)]
1RAMIREZ RODRIGUEZ DiegoMEX - Mexico345/ 1349/ 16944724
 MEX - Mexico
 Distance1: 345, Distance2: 349
2CARLOTA García NavasESP - Spain337/ 2332/ 26693414
 ESP - Spain
 Distance1: 337, Distance2: 332
3LYNCH MarkRSA - South Africa313/ 3322/ 3635204
 RSA - South Africa
 Distance1: 313, Distance2: 322
4HOLDER R-JamesBAR - Barbados296/ 7307/ 4603101
 BAR - Barbados
 Distance1: 296, Distance2: 307
5CARLA NOEMI Ramírez ManceboESP - Spain308/ 4294/ 6602102
 ESP - Spain
 Distance1: 308, Distance2: 294
6BERTRAND. RollinTTO - Trinidad and Tobago299/ 6301/ 5600124
 TTO - Trinidad and Tobago
 Distance1: 299, Distance2: 301
7STUYCK SilkeBEL - Belgium305/ 5276/ 9581115
 BEL - Belgium
 Distance1: 305, Distance2: 276
8HARITS HaritsINA - Indonesia291/ 8280/ 8571113
 INA - Indonesia
 Distance1: 291, Distance2: 280
9PRADNYA PradnyaINA - Indonesia285/ 9281/ 7566142
 INA - Indonesia
 Distance1: 285, Distance2: 281
10TRYHANE AdamBAR - Barbados272/11267/1053971
 BAR - Barbados
 Distance1: 272, Distance2: 267
11BOECKX SonjaBEL - Belgium279/10242/1252161
 BEL - Belgium
 Distance1: 279, Distance2: 242
12SINGH RobertGUY - Guyana258/12263/1152152
 GUY - Guyana
 Distance1: 258, Distance2: 263
13JOSEPH StephenBAR - Barbados226/13229/1345585
 BAR - Barbados
 Distance1: 226, Distance2: 229
Recurve - Scaled Target [After 72 Arrows (Session: 3) - After 72 Arrows (Session: 2) - After 72 Arrows (Session: 1)]
1WALTH CourtneyUSA - USA304/ 1312/ 1616136
 Distance1: 304, Distance2: 312
2SAUREN YvoNED - Netherlands293/ 2287/ 4580115
 NED - Netherlands
 Distance1: 293, Distance2: 287
3VREEMAN GerbenNED - Netherlands284/ 3294/ 2578103
 NED - Netherlands
 Distance1: 284, Distance2: 294
4MCCALLUM BruceAUS - Australia262/ 4288/ 355064
 AUS - Australia
 Distance1: 262, Distance2: 288
5VAN STADEN MichaelRSA - South Africa250/ 5280/ 553063
 RSA - South Africa
 Distance1: 250, Distance2: 280
Compound - 50m [After 72 Arrows (Session: 2) - After 72 Arrows (Session: 1)]
1ALLAERT NickBEL - Belgium340/ 1350/ 16904522
 BEL - Belgium
 Distance1: 340, Distance2: 350
2MEBIS StijnBEL - Belgium337/ 2334/ 46713610
 BEL - Belgium
 Distance1: 337, Distance2: 334
3CUNNINGHAM RoganIRL - Ireland334/ 3336/ 36703210
 IRL - Ireland
 Distance1: 334, Distance2: 336
4HALL RobertGBR - Great Britain332/ 4333/ 5665226
 GBR - Great Britain
 Distance1: 332, Distance2: 333
5SWANEPOEL ArrieRSA - South Africa320/ 6336/ 26562813
 RSA - South Africa
 Distance1: 320, Distance2: 336
6WATTIEZ AnthonyBEL - Belgium324/ 5328/ 6652289
 BEL - Belgium
 Distance1: 324, Distance2: 328
7FRANCISCO Ramírez JiménezESP - Spain316/ 7323/ 7639194
 ESP - Spain
 Distance1: 316, Distance2: 323
8VIVIANA SOLANGE Mancebo RíosESP - Spain308/ 8274/ 8582123
 ESP - Spain
 Distance1: 308, Distance2: 274
Compound - 30m [After 72 Arrows (Session: 2) - After 72 Arrows (Session: 1) - After 72 Arrows (Session: 3)]
1FRANCIS SherwinTTO - Trinidad and Tobago343/ 1346/ 26894211
 TTO - Trinidad and Tobago
 Distance1: 343, Distance2: 346
2IRVINE RussAUS - Australia340/ 2344/ 36844612
 AUS - Australia
 Distance1: 340, Distance2: 344
3PHOENIX AnthonyBAR - Barbados328/ 7346/ 16744017
 BAR - Barbados
 Distance1: 328, Distance2: 346
4PHOENIX AnthonyBAR - Barbados336/ 4333/ 56693215
 BAR - Barbados
 Distance1: 336, Distance2: 333
5GALL RogerBAR - Barbados338/ 3330/ 76683611
 BAR - Barbados
 Distance1: 338, Distance2: 330
6GALL RogerBAR - Barbados330/ 6334/ 4664329
 BAR - Barbados
 Distance1: 330, Distance2: 334
7VAN DAMME KellyBEL - Belgium332/ 5327/ 8659289
 BEL - Belgium
 Distance1: 332, Distance2: 327
8FERREIRA GerardTTO - Trinidad and Tobago326/ 8331/ 6657215
 TTO - Trinidad and Tobago
 Distance1: 326, Distance2: 331
9JOSEPH CherisseBAR - Barbados324/ 9318/ 9642227
 BAR - Barbados
 Distance1: 324, Distance2: 318
10SCHROEDERS RonaldBEL - Belgium323/10300/11623206
 BEL - Belgium
 Distance1: 323, Distance2: 300
11ANNEL JohnBAR - Barbados315/11296/12611123
 BAR - Barbados
 Distance1: 315, Distance2: 296
12ANNEL JohnBAR - Barbados307/12304/10611103
 BAR - Barbados
 Distance1: 307, Distance2: 304
13ALLEYNE MelanieBAR - Barbados227/13022710
 BAR - Barbados
 Distance1: 227, Distance2: 0
Compound - Scaled Target [After 72 Arrows]
1IRVINE RussAUS - Australia302/ 1317/ 1619199
 AUS - Australia
 Distance1: 302, Distance2: 317
Compound - 25m [After 72 Arrows]
1JANSSENS NielsBEL - Belgium335/ 1334/ 1669309
 BEL - Belgium
 Distance1: 335, Distance2: 334
2SAKTHIVEL Nikhil RajIND - India309/ 2262/ 2571123
 IND - India
 Distance1: 309, Distance2: 262
Barebow - 30m [After 72 Arrows]
1UMMU AZZAM SurianiINA - Indonesia290/ 1278/ 2568140
 INA - Indonesia
 Distance1: 290, Distance2: 278
2ABU AZZAM IlhamINA - Indonesia274/ 2289/ 156390
 INA - Indonesia
 Distance1: 274, Distance2: 289
3SUDARMADJI SudarmadjiINA - Indonesia246/ 4275/ 352193
 INA - Indonesia
 Distance1: 246, Distance2: 275
4ALBE AgoesINA - Indonesia262/ 3232/ 549454
 INA - Indonesia
 Distance1: 262, Distance2: 232
5WIENNA WienaINA - Indonesia220/ 5273/ 449342
 INA - Indonesia
 Distance1: 220, Distance2: 273
6MAZIE IzzataINA - Indonesia201/ 6170/ 637121
 INA - Indonesia
 Distance1: 201, Distance2: 170
7VISSER GudrunNED - Netherlands191/ 7147/ 733811
 NED - Netherlands
 Distance1: 191, Distance2: 147
8WESSELIUS EricNED - Netherlands133/ 8147/ 828000
 NED - Netherlands
 Distance1: 133, Distance2: 147
9WESSELIUS VondaNED - Netherlands131/ 9132/ 926300
 NED - Netherlands
 Distance1: 131, Distance2: 132
10PAALVAST BartNED - Netherlands121/10131/1025210
 NED - Netherlands
 Distance1: 121, Distance2: 131
11VAN DER VALK HeleenNED - Netherlands114/1198/1221200
 NED - Netherlands
 Distance1: 114, Distance2: 98
12VISSER BerendNED - Netherlands87/12117/1120410
 NED - Netherlands
 Distance1: 87, Distance2: 117
13VAN DEN HEUVEL AnnemiekNED - Netherlands58/1357/1311500
 NED - Netherlands
 Distance1: 58, Distance2: 57
Barebow - 50m [After 72 Arrows (Session: 1) - After 72 Arrows (Session: 2)]
1PRIYANTORO AdityaINA - Indonesia316/ 1316/ 1632173
 INA - Indonesia
 Distance1: 316, Distance2: 316
2STREET PerDEN - Denmark314/ 2308/ 2622163
 DEN - Denmark
 Distance1: 314, Distance2: 308
3BJØRNNES GunhildISL - Iceland267/ 3286/ 355392
 ISL - Iceland
 Distance1: 267, Distance2: 286
4HIDAYAT AnangINA - Indonesia250/ 4269/ 451951
 INA - Indonesia
 Distance1: 250, Distance2: 269
Barebow - Para Athlete [After 72 Arrows (Session: 3) - After 71 Arrows (Session: 5)]
1WALTH JaniceUSA - USA212/ 1208/ 142032
 Distance1: 212, Distance2: 208
2VAN DE WINCKEL StephanieBEL - Belgium101/ 2184/ 228552
 BEL - Belgium
 Distance1: 101, Distance2: 184