60x Remote Shoot Stage 71 OUTDOOR LEAGUE
60x Remote Shoot Stage 71 OUTDOOR LEAGUE
60x.Belgium • ICENATION.be (ICENATION)
At Your Home or Club Remote Online and Interactive, 15 Aug 2021
60x Remote Shoot Stage 71 OUTDOOR LEAGUE
Show details
Class & Division Result List - Individual
Pos.AthleteCountry or State Code  Total10+XX
Recurve - 70m [After 72 Arrows]
1TAHA AbdullahKUW - Kuwait304/ 1288/ 1592122
 KUW - Kuwait
 Distance1: 304, Distance2: 288
Recurve - 60m [After 72 Arrows]
1DANIEL AlainSUI - Switzerland298/ 1316/ 1614157
 SUI - Switzerland
 Distance1: 298, Distance2: 316
2DIELEN TomSUI - Switzerland247/ 2268/ 251553
 SUI - Switzerland
 Distance1: 247, Distance2: 268
3AL-HARBI AbdullahKUW - Kuwait10/ 30/ 31010
 KUW - Kuwait
 Distance1: 10, Distance2: 0
Recurve - 50m [After 72 Arrows]
1AL-RASHIDI FaisalKUW - Kuwait294/ 1277/ 157192
 KUW - Kuwait
 Distance1: 294, Distance2: 277
Recurve - 30m [After 72 Arrows]
1AL-MUTAIRI MutlaqKUW - Kuwait303/ 1284/ 1587123
 KUW - Kuwait
 Distance1: 303, Distance2: 284
2WEE Pepito HenryPHI - Philippines202/ 2179/ 238131
 PHI - Philippines
 Distance1: 202, Distance2: 179
Recurve - Scaled Target [After 72 Arrows (Session: 2) - After 72 Arrows (Session: 1)]
1LYNCH MarkRSA - South Africa298/ 1314/ 3612140
 RSA - South Africa
 Distance1: 298, Distance2: 314
2MCCALLUM BruceAUS - Australia294/ 2314/ 2608190
 AUS - Australia
 Distance1: 294, Distance2: 314
3MASUD RashidPAK - Pakistan254/ 3315/ 1569164
 PAK - Pakistan
 Distance1: 254, Distance2: 315
Compound - 50m [After 72 Arrows (Session: 1) - After 72 Arrows (Session: 3) - After 24 Arrows (Session: 2)]
1ROJAS ArnoldPHI - Philippines335/ 4348/ 16833913
 PHI - Philippines
 Distance1: 335, Distance2: 348
2MAL-ALLAH AbdullahKUW - Kuwait343/ 1333/ 26763713
 KUW - Kuwait
 Distance1: 343, Distance2: 333
3WATTIEZ AnthonyBEL - Belgium335/ 3330/ 46652911
 BEL - Belgium
 Distance1: 335, Distance2: 330
4GOGEL JoachimGER - Germany323/ 7331/ 3654249
 GER - Germany
 Distance1: 323, Distance2: 331
5WATTIEZ AxelBEL - Belgium328/ 5322/ 6650237
 BEL - Belgium
 Distance1: 328, Distance2: 322
6AL MUTAIRI BaderKUW - Kuwait327/ 6321/ 76482210
 KUW - Kuwait
 Distance1: 327, Distance2: 321
7DIELEN NathalieSUI - Switzerland319/ 8325/ 56442210
 SUI - Switzerland
 Distance1: 319, Distance2: 325
8AL SHATTI AhmedKUW - Kuwait335/ 2308/ 96432511
 KUW - Kuwait
 Distance1: 335, Distance2: 308
9IRVINE RussAUS - Australia314/ 9305/10619132
 AUS - Australia
 Distance1: 314, Distance2: 305
10GOGEL JoachimGER - Germany303/11309/ 8612142
 GER - Germany
 Distance1: 303, Distance2: 309
11AL-HAJRI AmerKUW - Kuwait303/10271/1157482
 KUW - Kuwait
 Distance1: 303, Distance2: 271
12FRANCIS SherwinTTO - Trinidad and Tobago223/120223116
 TTO - Trinidad and Tobago
 Distance1: 223, Distance2: 0
Compound - 30m [After 72 Arrows (Session: 1) - After 72 Arrows (Session: 2)]
1JUBILO Alan ChristianPHI - Philippines322/ 1321/ 16432812
 PHI - Philippines
 Distance1: 322, Distance2: 321
2ANNEL JohnBAR - Barbados305/ 2313/ 261895
 BAR - Barbados
 Distance1: 305, Distance2: 313
Compound - Scaled Target [After 72 Arrows]
1IRVINE RussAUS - Australia317/ 2326/ 16432010
 AUS - Australia
 Distance1: 317, Distance2: 326
2SINGH BalwinderIND - India360/ 103603632
 IND - India
 Distance1: 360, Distance2: 0
Barebow - 50m [After 72 Arrows]
1SETIAWAN AndiINA - Indonesia286/ 1279/ 156593
 INA - Indonesia
 Distance1: 286, Distance2: 279
2NARANJILLA DanielPHI - Philippines260/ 2266/ 352650
 PHI - Philippines
 Distance1: 260, Distance2: 266
3DWIJOKO KanwaINA - Indonesia256/ 3268/ 252453
 INA - Indonesia
 Distance1: 256, Distance2: 268
4JOSOL JonathanPHI - Philippines226/ 4199/ 442521
 PHI - Philippines
 Distance1: 226, Distance2: 199
5SERAFIN Nico AntonioPHI - Philippines220/ 5176/ 539640
 PHI - Philippines
 Distance1: 220, Distance2: 176
Barebow - 30m [After 72 Arrows]
1ZAINUDDIN Nor ShalinaMAS - Malaysia300/ 1306/ 1606121
 MAS - Malaysia
 Distance1: 300, Distance2: 306
2WEE Mark HenryPHI - Philippines289/ 2273/ 256283
 PHI - Philippines
 Distance1: 289, Distance2: 273