CS/SM Parcours 3D
CS/SM Parcours 3D
Arc & Forêt Tavannes (163)
Prés Paroz 118 - 2712 Le Fuet, 16-17 Oct 2021
CS/SM Parcours 3D
Number of Entries by Event
H2 4 6 1234 1 1 61
D1 2 6 7 1     6 
JD  1 1 1         
VH4 9 9 2311721   91
VD1   3 9 4 1   4 
CH      3         
CD    1 1       1 
JE1     51        
MI    1 6 1       
PI    412         

Individual Finals
 Event NameAthletesFirst Phase# of matches (and byes)Qualified No. (and not)
RVHRecurve Master Hommes4     
RVDRecurve Master Dames1     
RHRecurve Hommes2     
RDRecurve Dames1     
RJERecurve Jeunesse1     
CVHCompound Master Hommes9     
CHCompound Hommes4     
CDCompound Dames2     
CJDCompound Junior Dames1     
BBVHBarebow Master Hommes9     
BBVDBarebow Master Dames3     
BBHBarebow Hommes6     
BBDBarebow Dames6     
BBJDBarebow Junior Dames1     
BBCDBarebow Cadet Dames1     
BBMIBarebow Mini1     
BBPIBarebow Piccolo4     
BHVHBowhunter Master Hommes23     
BHVDBowhunter Master Dames9     
BHHBowhunter Hommes12     
BHDBowhunter Dames7     
BHJDBowhunter Junior Dames1     
BHCHBowhunter Cadet Hommes3     
BHCDBowhunter Cadet Dames1     
BHJEBowhunter Jeunesse5     
BHMIBowhunter Mini6     
BHPIBowhunter Piccolo2     
LBVHLongbow Master Hommes17     
LBVDLongbow Master Dames4     
LBHLongbow Hommes4     
LBDLongbow Dames1     
LBMILongbow Mini1     

Team Finals
 Event NameMixed Team EventTeamsFirst Phase# of matches (and byes)Qualified No. (and not)
RJTRecurve Team JeunesNo      
RTRecurve TeamNo1     
CJTCompound Team JeunesNo      
CTCompound TeamNo      
BBJTBarebow Team JeunesNo1     
BBTBarebow TeamNo3     
BHJTBowhunter Team JeunesNo2     
BHTBowhunter TeamNo7     
LBJTLongbow Team JeunesNo      
LBTLongbow TeamNo5