60x Remote Shoot Stage 85 INDOOR LEAGUE
60x Remote Shoot Stage 85 INDOOR LEAGUE
60x.Belgium • ICENATION.be (ICENATION)
At Your Home or Club - Remote Online and Interactive, 21 Nov 2021
60x Remote Shoot Stage 85 INDOOR LEAGUE
Number of Entries by Country
AUS - Australia       1 1  2   2
BAR - Barbados 2   2 12   3   5
BEL - Belgium2  1 321    3   6
BRU - Brunei1    1          1
GER - Germany      3     31 14
INA - Indonesia             1 11
PHI - Philippines    33     22 116
RSA - South Africa  2  2          2
TUR - Turkey1    1 1    1   2
UKR - Ukraine5    5          5
USA - USA1  1 2    1 1   3
Total: 11102223195421121521337