60x Remote Shoot Stage 98 INDOOR LEAGUE
60x Remote Shoot Stage 98 INDOOR LEAGUE
ICENATION.be • 60x.Belgium (ICENATION)
At Your Home or Club - Remote Online and Interactive, 20 Feb 2022
60x Remote Shoot Stage 98 INDOOR LEAGUE
Number of Entries by Country
AUS - Australia    1 12   2
BAR - Barbados      33   3
BEL - Belgium1  13  31 15
BER - Bermuda2 46       6
BHS - Bahamas1  1       1
GBR - Great Britain         111
GER - Germany     2 2   2
ITA - Italy        1 11
NED - Netherlands    1  1   1
PHI - Philippines  44  22   6
RSA - South Africa 2132  2   5
SUI - Switzerland4  4       4
TTO - Trinidad and Tobago    1  1   1
UKR - Ukraine4  4       4
USA - USA      11   1
Total: 151229238271721343