60x Remote Shoot Stage 100 OUTDOOR LEAGUE
60x Remote Shoot Stage 100 OUTDOOR LEAGUE
ICENATION.be • 60x.Belgium (ICENATION)
At Your Home or Club - Remote Online and Interactive, 6 Mar 2022
60x Remote Shoot Stage 100 OUTDOOR LEAGUE
Show details
Class & Division Result List - Individual
Pos.AthleteCountry  Total10+XX
Recurve - 70m [After 72 Arrows]
1WADE BernardBER - Bermuda294/ 1302/ 1596110
 BER - Bermuda
 Distance1: 294, Distance2: 302
2ROBERTS JaydonBER - Bermuda293/ 2290/ 2583100
 BER - Bermuda
 Distance1: 293, Distance2: 290
Recurve - 60m [After 72 Arrows]
1LYNCH MarkRSA - South Africa282/ 1275/ 155750
 RSA - South Africa
 Distance1: 282, Distance2: 275
2VAN STADEN MichaelRSA - South Africa266/ 2232/ 249883
 RSA - South Africa
 Distance1: 266, Distance2: 232
Recurve - 25m per 3 [After 36 Arrows]
1LYNCH RonanRSA - South Africa255/ 1025500
 RSA - South Africa
 Distance1: 255, Distance2: 0
Recurve - 18m Indoor WA [After 60 Arrows]
1WÉSEL RandyBEL - Belgium265/ 1262/ 2527190
 BEL - Belgium
 Distance1: 265, Distance2: 262
2TEYSSIER VincentSUI - Switzerland265/ 2257/ 4522110
 SUI - Switzerland
 Distance1: 265, Distance2: 257
3DANIEL AlainSUI - Switzerland247/ 7274/ 1521180
 SUI - Switzerland
 Distance1: 247, Distance2: 274
4DERAS JannisBEL - Belgium258/ 3262/ 2520160
 BEL - Belgium
 Distance1: 258, Distance2: 262
5ROBERTS TrinaBER - Bermuda251/ 4241/ 7492170
 BER - Bermuda
 Distance1: 251, Distance2: 241
6WEEKES AlleyneBER - Bermuda249/ 6242/ 6491150
 BER - Bermuda
 Distance1: 249, Distance2: 242
7OCONNOR RobertBER - Bermuda241/ 8250/ 5491100
 BER - Bermuda
 Distance1: 241, Distance2: 250
8SELLEY RobinBER - Bermuda250/ 5228/ 8478100
 BER - Bermuda
 Distance1: 250, Distance2: 228
9APPELMANS JonasBEL - Belgium217/ 9186/ 940360
 BEL - Belgium
 Distance1: 217, Distance2: 186
Compound - 50m [After 72 Arrows (Session: 2) - After 72 Arrows (Session: 1)]
1FRANCIS SherwinTTO - Trinidad and Tobago316/ 1311/ 1627172
 TTO - Trinidad and Tobago
 Distance1: 316, Distance2: 311
2IRVINE RussAUS - Australia312/ 2310/ 26222110
 AUS - Australia
 Distance1: 312, Distance2: 310
3HUNTE GregoryBAR - Barbados308/ 3302/ 3610153
 BAR - Barbados
 Distance1: 308, Distance2: 302
4GALL RogerBAR - Barbados302/ 4301/ 4603144
 BAR - Barbados
 Distance1: 302, Distance2: 301
5ANNEL JohnBAR - Barbados196/ 5211/ 540700
 BAR - Barbados
 Distance1: 196, Distance2: 211
Compound - 18m Indoor WA [After 60 Arrows]
1DIELEN NathalieSUI - Switzerland275/ 2286/ 1561210
 SUI - Switzerland
 Distance1: 275, Distance2: 286
2DE GREEF LudoBEL - Belgium273/ 3277/ 2550140
 BEL - Belgium
 Distance1: 273, Distance2: 277
3DE COCK MaartenBEL - Belgium276/ 1273/ 3549140
 BEL - Belgium
 Distance1: 276, Distance2: 273
4DIELEN TomSUI - Switzerland262/ 4258/ 452080
 SUI - Switzerland
 Distance1: 262, Distance2: 258
5DROBBÉ ZenoBEL - Belgium202/ 5197/ 539910
 BEL - Belgium
 Distance1: 202, Distance2: 197
Barebow - 18m Indoor WA [After 60 Arrows]
1BEECKMANS StijnBEL - Belgium232/ 1239/ 147190
 BEL - Belgium
 Distance1: 232, Distance2: 239