BUCS Indoor Finals 2022
BUCS Indoor Finals 2022
British Universities and Colleges Sport, hosted by Warwick University (BUCS)
University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7EU, 19 Mar 2022
BUCS Indoor Finals 2022
Number of Entries by Country
NOCMenWomenTotal CompetitorsOfficialsTotal
1010 - Loughborough4610010
1077 - Plymouth62808
1186 - Surrey44808
1225 - Bangor21303
1255 - Liverpool10101
1267 - Nottingham8816016
1342 - Bath32505
1370 - York10101
1373 - Swansea53808
1380 - Exeter20202
1440 - Imperial30303
1568 - Aberdeen11202
1731 - Keele20202
1747 - Derby10101
1759 - Aberystwyth10101
1791 - Strathclyde10101
1865 - Huddersfield32505
1906 - Chester11202
1916 - Reading11202
199 - St Andrews26808
201 - Dundee22404
203 - Edinburgh24606
2098 - Queen Mary61707
2114 - Nottingham Trent22404
2133 - Ulster01101
2214 - Kent10101
2289 - Portsmouth11202
2324 - Manchester Met02202
2368 - Newcastle23505
2373 - Bristol52707
2381 - Royal Holloway02202
2384 - Northampton11202
2454 - Coventry51606
2470 - Lincoln41505
2490 - Cardiff12303
2498 - Leicester11202
2499 - UCLan21303
2628 - Uwe41505
2644 - Glasgow01101
268 - Oxford63909
2684 - Uws23505
2690 - Bedfordshire10101
2737 - Manchester02202
297 - Brunel02202
408 - Southampton51606
443 - Cambridge20202
717 - Warwick81119019
739 - Birmingham54909
808 - Leeds42606
816 - Sheffield7411011
858 - Lancaster33606
896 - Durham36909
U1001 - King’s College10101
U1002 - East Anglia21303
U1003 - Oxford Brookes11202
U1004 - Wolverhampton10101
U1005 - Ucl10101
U1006 - Uhi01101
U1007 - Arts University Bournemouth01101
Total: 591431112540254