Brixham Open Rose
Brixham Open Rose
Brixham Archers CIC (Brixham)
Churston Grammar School Playing Field, Brixham, Devon, 29 May 2022
Brixham Open Rose
Participant List ordered by Target
TargetAthleteCountry NameEvent
Session 1
1ATWIGG Rob660 - EXMOUTH ALongbow Gents- York
1BAPLIN Anthony654 - REDRUTH ALongbow Gents- York
1CWILLIAMS Scott660 - EXMOUTH ALongbow Gents- York
1DYEATES Michael605 - B OF LYTCHETTLongbow Gents- York
2ACHOPPING Chris660 - EXMOUTH ALongbow Gents- York
2CSIMPSON Peter650 - PAIGNTON ALongbow Gents- York
2DFOWLER Steve660 - EXMOUTH ABarebow Gents- York
3ASMALE Wayne1439 - BARNSTAPLE ACRecurve Gents- York
3BDANCE Trevor660 - EXMOUTH ARecurve Gents- York
3CNICHOLAS David2220 - JUNCTION ARecurve Gents- York
4ASHAPLAND Stuart1439 - BARNSTAPLE ACRecurve Gents- York
4BHICKS Nicholas2731 - TAMAR VALLEY ARecurve Gents- York
4CDAY Jon668 - B OF THE TORSRecurve Gents- York
5AGLOVER Ben272 - OXFORD ACompound Gents- York
5BNASH David660 - EXMOUTH ACompound Gents- York
5CCOLLINS Matthew667 - BRIXHAM ACompound Gents- York
5DBOON Cornelis1439 - BARNSTAPLE ACCompound Gents- York
6AMARTYN Emma668 - B OF THE TORSLongbow Ladies - Hereford
6BTWIGG Sophie660 - EXMOUTH ALongbow Ladies - Hereford
6CCUSACK Shelagh2220 - JUNCTION ABarebow Ladies - Hereford
6DGRASSIE Karen662 - EXETER C OF ABarebow Ladies - Hereford
7ANICHOLAS Lucy2220 - JUNCTION ARecurve Ladies - Hereford
7BCHAUDHRY Saira662 - EXETER C OF ARecurve Ladies - Hereford
8ACHALLACOMBE Nicole667 - BRIXHAM ACompound Ladies - Hereford
8BHAWKINS John667 - BRIXHAM ACompound Gents - Hereford
9ABURRINGTON Jeffrey667 - BRIXHAM ABarebow Gents Bristol III
9BRICHARDS Michaela668 - B OF THE TORSBarebow Ladies Bristol III
9CTHORNE Tina662 - EXETER C OF ARecurve Ladies Bristol III
10ABRADFORD Sophie660 - EXMOUTH ARecurve Junior Girl Bristol III
10BBURRINGTON Leelee667 - BRIXHAM ABarebow Junior Girl Bristol III
12AHICKS Ruby2731 - TAMAR VALLEY ARecurve Junior Girl Bristol V
Session 2
11ABUTT Daryl667 - BRIXHAM ALongbow Gents National
11CWATERS Gary667 - BRIXHAM ALongbow Gents National