DCAS / Exmouth Double 1440 Day 1
DCAS / Exmouth Double 1440 Day 1
Exmouth Archers (EXA)
Exmouth Archers, Exmouth, Devon, UK, 9 Jul 2022
Number of Entries by Event
M1518 617 
W4 3 612 
S3    1   
S42     1 
S61     1 
S9      1 

Individual Finals
 Event NameAthletesFirst Phase# of matches (and byes)Qualified No. (and not)
RMRecurve Men151/64-49 15-----
RWRecurve Women41/64-60 4-----
CMCompound Men81/64-56 8-----
CWCompound Women31/64-61 3-----
LMLongbow Men61/64-58 6-----
LWLongbow Women61/64-58 6-----
BMBarebow Men71/64-57 7-----
BWBarebow Women21/64-62 2-----
JunAll Juniora81/64-56 8-----