2022 DACI Veterans Day Fun Shoot
2022 DACI Veterans Day Fun Shoot
Davao Archery Club Inc. (DAC, Inc)
At the Comfort of your own Homes and Ranges, 5-30 Nov 2022
2022 DACI Veterans Day Fun Shoot
Participant List in Alphabetical Order
ADVINCULA Xiera Dane18APHL - PHILIPPINESBarebow 30m WomenSes. 1
AYAH'E Adzki12AIDN - INDONESIABarebow 30m MenSes. 1
BANTILOC Agustina9APHL - PHILIPPINESCompound 50m WomenSes. 1
BANTILOC Agustina10APHL - PHILIPPINESBarebow 18m WomenSes. 2
BANTILOC Agustina (PARA)32APHL - PHILIPPINESCompound 50m WomenSes. 1
BANTILOC Agustina (PARA)33APHL - PHILIPPINESCompound 30m WomenSes. 1
BANTILOC Agustina (PARA)34APHL - PHILIPPINESCompound 18m WomenSes. 2
BAYLA PARA Elizabeth49APHL - PHILIPPINESRecurve 70m / Under 21 WomenSes. 1
BAYLA PARA Elizabeth51APHL - PHILIPPINESBarebow 50m WomenSes. 1
BAYLA Para Elizabeth52APHL - PHILIPPINESRecurve 18m WomenSes. 2
BURGOS Marzel16APHL - PHILIPPINESCompound 50m MenSes. 1
CENABRE Phoebe Jode21APHL - PHILIPPINESBarebow 30m WomenSes. 1
ESCLETO Jaymark35APHL - PHILIPPINESBarebow 30m MenSes. 1
ETONGAN Roger (PARA)11APHL - PHILIPPINESRecurve 60m / Under 18 / Over 50 MenSes. 1
FONACIER Faith31APHL - PHILIPPINESBarebow 30m WomenSes. 1
FONACIER Jose Marie30APHL - PHILIPPINESBarebow 30m MenSes. 1
FROGOZO Charlotte Janella G.36APHL - PHILIPPINESCompound 50m WomenSes. 1
FROGOZO Chloe Jenna G.37APHL - PHILIPPINESRecurve 50m / Under 15 WomenSes. 1
GULFAN Faye Mickaella Rochelle19APHL - PHILIPPINESBarebow 30m WomenSes. 1
JANDUSAY Cheziah Jadassah40APHL - PHILIPPINESRecurve 30m / Under 15 WomenSes. 1
JASMIN Kolin Jane48APHL - PHILIPPINESBarebow 30m WomenSes. 1
JENITA Ku14AIDN - INDONESIABarebow 30m WomenSes. 1
JOSOL Jonathan23APHL - PHILIPPINESTraditional or Asiatic 18m MenSes. 1
JOSOL Jonathan24APHL - PHILIPPINESBarebow 18m MenSes. 2
JOSOL Jonathan25APHL - PHILIPPINESBarebow 30m MenSes. 1
JOSOL Jonathan26APHL - PHILIPPINESBarebow 50m MenSes. 1
JOSOL Jonathan27APHL - PHILIPPINESCompound 18m MenSes. 2
JOSOL Jonathan28APHL - PHILIPPINESCompound 30m MenSes. 1
JOSOL Jonathan29APHL - PHILIPPINESCompound 50m MenSes. 1
JOSOL Jonathan (Asiatic)22APHL - PHILIPPINESTraditional or Asiatic 18m MenSes. 1
LANDGRAF Volker8ADEU - GERMANYBarebow 18m MenSes. 2
LEIDHOLD Thomas5ADEU - GERMANYBarebow 18m MenSes. 2
LIGUE Shirlyn15APHL - PHILIPPINESBarebow 50m WomenSes. 1
LOPOZ Ea Fini Jandy20APHL - PHILIPPINESBarebow 30m WomenSes. 1
MANANGDANG Angelo54APHL - PHILIPPINESCompound 18m MenSes. 2
MANANGDANG Angelo55APHL - PHILIPPINESCompound 50m MenSes. 1
MANANGDANG Dina53APHL - PHILIPPINESCompound 18m WomenSes. 2
MONATO Jennifer6APHL - PHILIPPINESBarebow 50m WomenSes. 1
MORALES Keziah Laureine45APHL - PHILIPPINESBarebow 30m WomenSes. 1
NARANJILLA Daniel17APHL - PHILIPPINESBarebow 50m MenSes. 1
NARANJILLA Frankie50APHL - PHILIPPINESBarebow 50m MenSes. 1
NOVA Husada13AIDN - INDONESIABarebow 30m MenSes. 1
PAWE Shayne44APHL - PHILIPPINESRecurve 50m / Under 15 WomenSes. 1
PAWE Shayne46APHL - PHILIPPINESRecurve 50m / Under 15 WomenSes. 1
RAQUIPO Allen Drei42APHL - PHILIPPINESRecurve 70m/ Under 21 MenSes. 1
RAQUIPO John Emilio47APHL - PHILIPPINESRecurve 70m/ Under 21 MenSes. 1
ROJAS Victor Michael38APHL - PHILIPPINESBarebow 18m MenSes. 2
ROJAS Victor Michael39APHL - PHILIPPINESBarebow 50m MenSes. 1
SERAFIN Nico Antonio1APHL - PHILIPPINESBarebow 30m MenSes. 1
SERAFIN Nico Antonio2APHL - PHILIPPINESBarebow 18m MenSes. 2
SERAFIN Nico Antonio3APHL - PHILIPPINESCompound 50m MenSes. 1
SERAFIN Nico Antonio4APHL - PHILIPPINESTraditional or Asiatic 18m MenSes. 1
SERAFIN Nico Antonio7APHL - PHILIPPINESBarebow 50m MenSes. 1
SHY Nicole43APHL - PHILIPPINESCompound 50m WomenSes. 1
UGAY Ellein41APHL - PHILIPPINESBarebow 30m WomenSes. 1