60x Remote Shoot Stage 93 INDOOR LEAGUE
60x Remote Shoot Stage 93 INDOOR LEAGUE
60x.Belgium • ICENATION.be (ICENATION)
At Your Home or Club - Remote Online and Interactive, 16 Jan 2022
60x Remote Shoot Stage 93 INDOOR LEAGUE
Number of Entries by Country
AUS - Australia      1 12  2
BAR - Barbados      3  3  3
BEL - Belgium1  2 34  4  7
ESP - Spain1    1      1
FRA - France1    11  1113
GER - Germany      1  1  1
NED - Netherlands  1  13  3115
PHI - Philippines    22  22  4
RSA - South Africa 2   2 2 2  4
SUI - Switzerland      3  3  3
SWE - Sweden4    4      4
UKR - Ukraine4    4      4
Total: 12112122181623212241