The Junior Archery Series - Stage 1
The Junior Archery Series - Stage 1
Archery GB (AGB)
Lilleshall NSCC, Shropshire, TF10 9AT, 5 May 2024
The Junior Archery Series - Stage 1
Show details
Recurve Women U15 [OFFICIAL After 72 Arrows]
Pos.AthleteCountry or State Code40m-140m-2Tot.10+XX 
1SNELL Ava2393 - Newnham Archery Club308/ 1317/ 1625184
 2393 - Newnham Archery Club
 40m-1: 308, 40m-2: 317
2COLLINS Amy1005 - The Foxes296/ 4307/ 2603184
 1005 - The Foxes
 40m-1: 296, 40m-2: 307
3BROCKLESBY SUM Betty1 - Aim4Sport AC298/ 2300/ 3598205
 1 - Aim4Sport AC
 40m-1: 298, 40m-2: 300
4CHADER Rumaysa430 - A C Delco Bowmen297/ 3292/ 458996
 430 - A C Delco Bowmen
 40m-1: 297, 40m-2: 292
5MOORE Willow616 - Kingston Archers284/ 5290/ 6574134
 616 - Kingston Archers
 40m-1: 284, 40m-2: 290
6DUFER Eva2627 - Peacock Archers280/ 7291/ 5571101
 2627 - Peacock Archers
 40m-1: 280, 40m-2: 291
7MASON Isabelle532 - Clophill Archery Club281/ 6288/ 756990
 532 - Clophill Archery Club
 40m-1: 281, 40m-2: 288
8WORTLEY Ellie2595 - Wallingford Castle Archers280/ 8288/ 856864
 2595 - Wallingford Castle Archers
 40m-1: 280, 40m-2: 288
9STAITE Lily692 - Redhill Archers267/10285/ 9552122
 692 - Redhill Archers
 40m-1: 267, 40m-2: 285
10BURTON Meredith932 - Cheshire County Bowmen267/ 9281/1054873
 932 - Cheshire County Bowmen
 40m-1: 267, 40m-2: 281
11THORNTON Eleanor1469 - Whitburn Archers262/11250/1151263
 1469 - Whitburn Archers
 40m-1: 262, 40m-2: 250
12HELLSTEN Matilda329 - Tonbridge AC231/13248/1247960
 329 - Tonbridge AC
 40m-1: 231, 40m-2: 248
13AVISON Sophie1718 - Wyke Archers240/12238/1447830
 1718 - Wyke Archers
 40m-1: 240, 40m-2: 238
14SNELL Amber2393 - Newnham Archery Club230/14245/1347560
 2393 - Newnham Archery Club
 40m-1: 230, 40m-2: 245