Canford Magna Bowmen
Winter Portsmouth Tournament 2024/25, February
Canford Magna Bowmen Winter Portsmouth Tournament 2024/25, February
Canford Magna Bowmen (MattC)
At your club range, 1-28 Feb 2025
Canford Magna Bowmen
Winter Portsmouth Tournament 2024/25, February
Participant List ordered by Target
TargetAthleteCountry NameEvent
Session 1
1AROBERTS Jodie590 - HARDY COUNTRY BOWMENRecurve, (Rule 202) Woman
2AHUDSON Taren611 - BRACKEN COMPANY OF ARCHERSRecurve, (Rule 202) Men
5AMCKINLEY Jez1557 - CANFORD MAGNA BOWMENRecurve, (Rule 202) Men 50+
6AWHITE Gary1557 - CANFORD MAGNA BOWMENRecurve, (Rule 202) Men 50+
7AHILL Alex613 - OSPREY ARCHERSRecurve, (Rule 202) Men
8ASTOCKDALE John1557 - CANFORD MAGNA BOWMENRecurve, (Rule 202) Men 50+
9ASULLIVAN Tony1557 - CANFORD MAGNA BOWMENRecurve, (Rule 202) Men 50+
10ACOLLIS Tim1557 - CANFORD MAGNA BOWMENRecurve, (Rule 202) Men 50+
11AFRIBERG Andy1557 - CANFORD MAGNA BOWMENRecurve, (Rule 202) Men 50+
12AWILSON Phil1557 - CANFORD MAGNA BOWMENRecurve, (Rule 202) Men 50+
13AINGLIS-MCBEATH Sam590 - HARDY COUNTRY BOWMENRecurve, (Rule 202) Men 50+
14AHUMPHREYS David590 - HARDY COUNTRY BOWMENRecurve, (Rule 202) Men 50+
15AWOOD Ralph611 - BRACKEN COMPANY OF ARCHERSRecurve, (Rule 202) Men 50+
16ACOLLINS Scott1002 - WELLAND VALLEY ARCHERSRecurve, (Rule 202) Men 50+
17AROBINSON Joanna611 - BRACKEN COMPANY OF ARCHERSLongbow, (Rule 206) Woman 50+
18AMURRAY Fraser611 - BRACKEN COMPANY OF ARCHERSLongbow, (Rule 206) Men
19AHINSLEY Mark611 - BRACKEN COMPANY OF ARCHERSLongbow, (Rule 206) Men 50+
20ABARROW Phil1557 - CANFORD MAGNA BOWMENLongbow, (Rule 206) Men 50+
21AHARRIE-THOMPSON Peter346 - DOVER CASTLE ARCHERSCompound, (Rule 207) Men 50+
22AMOODY Terry620 - BOURNEMOUTH ARCHERY CLUBCompound, (Rule 207) Men 50+
23AO'BRIEN Stewart427 - ANDOVER ARCHERSCompound, (Rule 207) Men 50+
24AMURRAY Tracy611 - BRACKEN COMPANY OF ARCHERSBarebow, (Rule 204) Woman
25ALEWIS Lindsay1557 - CANFORD MAGNA BOWMENBarebow, (Rule 204) Woman
26AGEDALOVITCH Tony1210 - NOAK HILL ARCHERSBarebow, (Rule 204) Men
27AJOHNSON Ian1557 - CANFORD MAGNA BOWMENBarebow, (Rule 204) Men 50+
28AWATTS Roger1557 - CANFORD MAGNA BOWMENBarebow, (Rule 204) Men 50+
29ACARSTENSEN Matt1557 - CANFORD MAGNA BOWMENBarebow, (Rule 204) Men 50+
30AMILES Min1557 - CANFORD MAGNA BOWMENBarebow, (Rule 204) Men 50+
31AROBERTS Jodie590 - HARDY COUNTRY BOWMENAsiatic, (Rule 206B) Woman
32ABARROW Phil1557 - CANFORD MAGNA BOWMENAmerican Flatbow, (Rule 206A) Men 50+
33ASANDS Richard1557 - CANFORD MAGNA BOWMENBarebow, (Rule 204) Men 50+
34AHEALY Mike605 - BOWMEN OF LYTCHETTRecurve, (Rule 202) Men 50+
35APEARCE Jonathan1557 - CANFORD MAGNA BOWMENBarebow, (Rule 204) Men 50+
36AHALE Sandra611 - BRACKEN COMPANY OF ARCHERSRecurve, (Rule 202) Woman 50+
37ACOATES Nigel1557 - CANFORD MAGNA BOWMENRecurve, (Rule 202) Men 50+
38AGALLOWAY Darryn605 - BOWMEN OF LYTCHETTLongbow, (Rule 206) Men 50+
39ABEARE Mike613 - OSPREY ARCHERSLongbow, (Rule 206) Men 50+
40AGALPIN Roger613 - OSPREY ARCHERSLongbow, (Rule 206) Men 50+
41AKING Alan1557 - CANFORD MAGNA BOWMENAmerican Flatbow, (Rule 206A) Men 50+
42AKING Alan1557 - CANFORD MAGNA BOWMENLongbow, (Rule 206) Men 50+
43AEDWARDS Emma412 - PORTSDOWN ARCHERY CLUBCompound, (Rule 207) Woman
44AMCKINLEY Pat1557 - CANFORD MAGNA BOWMENRecurve, (Rule 202) Woman 50+
45AREAD Gareth412 - PORTSDOWN ARCHERY CLUBLongbow, (Rule 206) Men
46ATEELING Catherine412 - PORTSDOWN ARCHERY CLUBBarebow, (Rule 204) Woman 50+
47APERROTT Marie397 - SWAY BOWMENCompound, (Rule 207) Woman
48AREES Nicky412 - PORTSDOWN ARCHERY CLUBBarebow, (Rule 204) Woman
49AWOOLCOTT Tim602 - SOUTH WILTS ARCHERY CLUBBarebow, (Rule 204) Men 50+
50ACROWN Alex402 - WIGHT BOWMENRecurve, (Rule 202) Woman
51AMCCARTHY Adrian412 - PORTSDOWN ARCHERY CLUBRecurve, (Rule 202) Men 50+
52ABURNS Graeme205 - BANNOCKBURN BOWMANRecurve, (Rule 202) Men
53ABENNETT Kriss1557 - CANFORD MAGNA BOWMENBarebow, (Rule 204) Men